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Potassium Iodate (Ki03) - 85mg (90 tablets)

Potassium Iodate (Ki03) is a superior form of KI. Potassium Iodate will shield (or block) the Thyroid and prevent it from absorbing radioactive Iodine during a nuclear emergency. Each factory-sealed bottle contains 90 fresh tablets of Potassium Iodate 85 mg.

  • Each factory-sealed bottle contains 90 fresh tablets of Potassium Iodate 85 mg.
  • Because of the extra molecule of oxygen in Iodate, the shelf life of Potassium Iodate 85 mg is exceptional.
  • Medical Corps recommends that each family member should have at least one bottle in their kit. Youngsters are extremely susceptible to thyroid cancer after exposure to radioactive contamination.
  • Unlike other blockers, this is NOT government surplus 130-mg tablets of Ki (potassium iodide).


  • The latest news indicates that Nuclear Power plants, over 100 in our country, are at risk from a terrorist attack. A radiation leak from any one of these plants could be carried downwind for hundreds of miles, potentially poisoning thousands or even millions of people in large population areas. Unfortunately, a Nuclear Power Plant has over 100 times more radioactive materials than an Atomic Bomb, which can be released as fallout. One of the most abundant components released is Radioactive Iodine 131 that is then carried downwind for hundreds of miles. Thyroid cancer attributable to Chernobyl has been documented more than 300 miles from the accident site.
  • Very small amounts of inhaled or ingested Radioactive Iodine can do serious damage because it will always be absorbed and held in the thyroid gland. Eventually, by absorbing a large amount of radiation in the thyroid, abnormalities are likely to result, such as nodules in the thyroid, loss of thyroid function, or thyroid cancer. Taking Potassium Iodate (Ki03) in the event of fallout will saturate a person’s thyroid gland with stable ("good") iodine, so the Radioactive Iodine cannot be absorbed by the thyroid. Because the thyroid is saturated with the "good" Iodine, then any Radioactive Iodine that is later inhaled or ingested is quickly eliminated by the body. Potassium Iodate (Ki03) is now being stockpiled by many government agencies.

Item #401-POT-85-90

Our price $21 
